

Monday, 28 December 2015

My statement dress!!!

Till this day this dress is the best dress I have ever sewn! Inspired by Kathy Anthony! A popular fashion designer and dressmaker in Nigeria. I made this dress in June. At that time of my life I had this sewing excitement and spree! Destroying materials and also making the best of them.
I made a simple blouse for myself  before and oh my! It shocked the novice in me. Therefore it triggered me to make this attire for myself. 
I had been scrolling through and searching for pictures as I normally do when I need to get inspired! I had been desperate to get a design for a wedding I wanted to attend. And then came the picture from KathyAnthony's Instagram page. I knew I had found what I needed.
I sketched out my own version that I needed. I don't know about anybody but I love it all.
I wish I could tie a proper gele I would have but it is ok
This was when I was seriously  getting down with the blouse. I made the dress in a day or lemme say in two days since I had to do add the finishing touches. I must have been laughing at something my cousin said because I wasn't even aware I got snapped. Since I don't get to have any pictures of me sewing I am glad I have this one.

This is the dress, a geometric peplum blouse and a knee length skirt
This is the front view. I really don't know why I decided to color block with red but I guess it isn't bad. This Ankara is life!!!
I love the effect of the gold zip!

From sketch to reality
I love this dress!!!
Now meet the inspiration!!!

She is so gorgeous! And so is her outfit

Now this was the real inspiration @kathyanthony. This is soooooo nice! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

Thursday, 17 December 2015

The christmas blouse i never got to wear

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!This season is a sew season for those who want to look good this Christmas. Mine is different I am sewing for friends back at school, my self because I need to practice more of this seeing thing
I have had a peplum top in mind for ages so a few weeks ago I woke my up and started out to cut all out. The bust cut was quite tricky but I got it though even though I am just realizing I forgot to use bust to bust point when cutting. It still came out fantastic.
I already have a skirt for this top but I realized I made the top too long so I will cut out part of it. Here are few pictures even though it is still under construction;
 This is how I do y bust cut with fusible. it is quite easy once you know what to do. The quality and weight off the fusible determines the result. before now I was always using poor quality which only made my results flat, unattractive and not pretty at all I love this one and I will be getting it always! Yikes!!

 Now that is the result. A very pointy bust which u could wear without having a bra on (for average and small boobs). I prefer this custom made bust pads. Another reason it is so pointy is because I haven't ironed the seams yet. Once u iron the seams u get a perfect padded dress. the blouse could even be worn without a bra. I know I am going to do that. (lucky smallboobsters)

 Don't think it all flattened out cos it is ironed. I decided to tap down the middle. as you can see I have not cut out the neckline and that is because I want an accurate padded bust before I cut out a neckline . all this would be confusing without  tutorial

 I have cut out y neckline and I have decided to fancy it with a yellow cord lace. I am too in love with the lace. at this point I am actually doubting its beauty

 Yeeaa!! some progress.  didn't use lining in the front bodice which is not advisable, but I had gone too far to begin to use ining and since it is custom made for me I don't mind!!!!

 I am so loving the look even without the sleeves yet. ahhhh!!!!! Now you see!! I feel it came out perfect. the lace on the garment are attached using pins but that is because I am not done, I am so confused if to stone the little circles on the blue fabric or use lace or both! too confused right now.

As for me I love this peplum top.  i have put the sleeves but what is left is to stone and hem the loose ends. this is a top for a ready skirt i wouldn't forget to post pictures when i wear them. Enjoy Christmas y'all.
Shout out to my friend whose bday is today!! lucky u were born with the King!!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Meet Hautelicious Ambassador

This lil girl is proudly Hautelicious. She has been one right from day one. Having my back, being excited to try out new clothes sewn, ready for photo shoots even when she is sick. She is sickenly cute and adorable! Her name is Grace and she is my lil sister
She isn't my ambassador because she is my little sister but because she is so passionate about fashion and Hautelicious.
Yesterday, she was so down and sick but I was surprised when she offered to dress up and take pics. During the process she lightened up pretty quickly! She is just good

That is my first ambassador at least for kids. The orange Kaftan was made by me. Ain't she too sassy, hot for a Lil girl? For the makeup on her face, she opted for a grown up look.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015


I designed a dress for a friend  a few months ago or maybe a month ago. I fell in love with the sweetheart off shoulder crop top I designed. I thought to myself that I didn't want a crop top and I went for a maxi gown. The sweetheart neck, I decided to make a bustier instead. I am still on the dress but I am already loving what it looks like. Sewing is awesome when you know exactly what you want and truth is I am addicted to it.  Here is a picture of what I have started and what the bustier looks like;

My first attempts at rendering

It has been such a long while. I missed doing this too much. By the way I'm home and happy. Hope everyone else is. Rendering my fashion sketches is still a huge challenge for me and as much as o would love to hoard my horrible first attempts thanks to no good markers or poor application of techniques. I will still post them regardless for the sake of future reference. I downloaded a few videos from YouTube soit could serve as a guide. Practice makes perfect. And I believe there is nothing you continue practicing fervently that would not yield perfection. Watch out for me soon. So below Are a few scary or poor trial

I know they are not the best but s Lil something to try until I get better 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Croquis Fridays

Yeah! It is Friday again. my best day of the week and I am too sure I am not the only one who loves the beginning of weekends. Especially for a week that must have been too stressful.
I have been busy everyday of this week, the hustle to pass exams and do well. It has been a short but busy week.
Christmas is at the corner, it is already here. The air is crispy and dry over here and it makes me excited for Christmas. You know; family time, full house, plenty stuffs to eat, the laughter, the joy, the miracle, the love. All of it I am already looking forward to it.
In the exam hall when I asked for the date, I just couldn't believe it was already 20th. Wow! it was just 1st a few weeks ago.
Well to the business of the day. A week has gone by without me sketching a design. it has been my goal to have at least three new designs a week which would help me improve my croquis skills.
But bigger goals like acing so many exams has taken over.
I do have some I did a while ago.


This blouse is what I want to make for Christmas

For this week I will be featuring GHAZAL KASIS. A beautiful illustrator on instagram. that is where you see a lot of them. Sometimes when I feel I have seen the best it turns out there is someone who is even better. That is the good thing about talents. No matter how good, there is never a best because each is unique in its own way.
There are too many gorgeous pictures of her illustrations and I would not get started with how much I wish I could render, I would even pay to learn.I love everything about her work, it is so beautiful. I pray to get as good too. Dang! it gets even harder to choose my best or have a role model when they could be so perfect.
Pray you have a lovely weekend filled with so much joy, parties.... And all that stuff that makes the weekend so awesome. For girls like me, it involves sleeping, watching movies and doing my hobbies.
All I am saying is try to get refreshed this weekend.
To all the tailors, couturiers, seamstresses in the world who probably have deadly deadlines for the weekend; asoebis, wedding gowns, and what have you. this is for you
It is a rule for not just your safety but the joy of your customers! Ciao.


Friday, 13 November 2015

Croquis Fridays

Yeah!!! I waited seven days for a chance to muse about Croquis. 
It is here now. I spend a lot of time training so I could do my Croquis better.  Not a  lot literally, but the few times I have to sketch I do so happily, having in mind to train and get better
I have just one thing to say to everyone who has a passion,  a dream or a talent to showcase... Please follow it, pursue it no matter what anyone says to you. I have been talked down one too many times which only made me a slave to pessimism.  You might not be the best out there, but faithfulness to the things you love is enough, don't give up on anything you believe you can do...no matter what.
So here is a few pics of my own fashion illustrations;  I really wish I could render them!!
Designed for a client
This is designed my great ambassador Grace
Now the three above are my own illustrations, sorry for the poor quality of the image, I only wish I could render just like my role model below.
I am featuring her work this week. Her brand name is STYLETEMPLE...One of Nigeria's very best fashion designer. I found her page on instagram. She motivates me with all her poise, creativity and talent. She is a couturier, I guess she is based in the north. Her work is toooo amazing, I am in awe.
From sketch to reality by style temple
See how rendering an illustration could bring a whole different kind of beauty. I love her renderings because they are not only on paper they come to live. To view more of her illustrations you can follow her on instagram @style temple.
Have a lovely day ahead and see you next Friday

Saturday, 7 November 2015

The Magic in this cutie

The electric mini sewing machine is a wonder and a must have for professionals and amateurs. I do love it. I had ordered it on Jumia and was quite shocked by the cheap price. Unsure of how good it could be, I went on amazon to read the reviews. and just like in the way of reviews, a lot were quite negative, insinuating the bad service of the cutie. I got scared and only hoped my own experience with it would be different and I would be one of the few people with a positive story.
Not too long after I ordered it, I got it (thanks to Jumia's excellent delivery service).  I had felt too scared to start using it because I didn't want the needle to snap  or break, or any other mysterious thing to happen.
I waited, went on YouTube and watched several videos on how to operate it and that is when I did. it is too small and beautiful to be true. It sews so smoothly, though quite noisy but who cares. it is portable and can do its job.
This cute magic came  already threaded with four extra reelers, a needle. It works electrically and also  with batteries (that is just too good). It has a foot pedal which can be operated.
it is just awesome!
I had a filled time this morning, sewing away.
It is truly a cutie, it is portable and unbelievable light for travelling, perfect and simple for amateurs to learn and operate.
The only thing not so good about this cutie is the fact that it cant operate big projects, it could try but it isn't necessarily for big projects.
The Magic Cutie is still worth a try, I promise. It comes in various sizes and types, prices vary too and this type is the most expensive, I cant review the others, but this is good.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Croquis Fridays

Croquis is my favourite kind of art. I love them dang. Croquis is just a simple sketch or rough draft and since I am into fashion illustration it helps to get most of the poses, and attitudes right.
I am still a learner in the aspect of fashion illustration but I am far from where I was a year ago.
How did this come about? I often ask my self that question. I know I have been drawing since I was seven but they use to be all horrible, out of form... not too bad but a little less than average. I did always design shoes and clothes only for the fun of it.
But last year, I went on my stalking routine and found this gifted designer and illustrator. we use to be classmates back in secondary school and she was my roommate once... a cool kid.
one who had always wanted to be a fashion designer and you know, I remember her saying the name of her fashion line would be HUSH VICTOIRE.... something like that I bet she cant even remember but I fell in love with it.
Back to what I was saying, I stalked her on instagram and came across beautiful pictures of her illustration but one struck me too much and inspired me to go learn how to draw... like fashion illustrations.
it was hard at first but I did persist, one year later I am far from before not still perfect but good to go.
Ah, role models like Hayden Williams, Leenavisser, Ze _Malija, Styletemple, etc.
This pictures below are from my very own Ze_Malija AKA Imaobong Ukpabio. Baby girl, you inspired me and I will always owe it to you any where in the world. you go girl.

By one and only Malija
I just love this illustration
Now that is her magic and I do love her works!
For me rendering my illustrations is still an extensive area, I am still training and I pray I get it soon. I cant wait to start having colourful illustrations too.
Below is my own work, they are my latest this past two months. and like I said earlier I still cant render my sketches to make them perfect but it is small things first... we would get there. 


This is my very own illustration

This pose was inspired by an iger @leenavisser. I guess that should be it.

Hope they are lovely! See you next Friday

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Fear for fashion designing continued

1. I am a perfectionist
2. I am a pessimist
3. I am a lazy bone female

I hate this trait of mine. Now, I have learnt some basics in sewing I still feel I am lagging behind because I am still a learner.  I make it too hard for me because I spend my time comparing what I have done with others and forget that they have probably been in the business for a while. I practice, practice,  practice hating my self for not being able to get everything neat and nice. I just feel I'm not creative as other couturiers I've seen. I spend all day looking at pictures and wondering when I would ever get to the level of creativity and perfection of these couturiers.  In fact perfection is now my obsession for sewing.
This has been me for so long.
After I have probably stalked my fashion designer role models I get into a sick dialogue with myself about how I can never be good as they are because I am not as creative as they can ever be. That I would never be able to be anywhere except in their shadows. I tend to believe there are better and more talented people and I won't excel in the field.
oh no! This is an extensive area. I am lazy! Stressless and relaxed. It makes me wonder what I'm doing with such a passion as FASHION DESIGN.  I hate to correct mistakes when sewing which ends up in more mistakes! I hate to mend clothes. I hate when a project is tending to be difficult.  I hate to run from my machine to the ironing table (I hate ironing). I give up on a tough task when sewing.
  How would I ever be a good fashion designer if I hate this crucial things. I love the thrill of cutting, sewing and having my work done but I hate the hurdles bit nothing good comes easily.
I wonder if other couturiers or dressmakers go through this because it feels like it is just me. I want to learn more, be good, enjoy my passion but it seems like all those mentioned are conflicting, clashing. I can't be a PERFECTIONIST AND A LAZY BONE FEMALE. I want to get it right because all I want is to live the rest of my life making dresses for a living, for pleasure, for my happiness!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Fear of fashion designing

These pictures don't belong to me.just a representation of what I used to do

At this time of my life I never thought I'd be so obsessed at looking at dresses and imagining how the couturier got it down so exquisitely.
I know when I was younger I loved pulling off the original clothing of my dolls to make some horrifying, terrific clothes for them. I'd  use anything from old socks, rags, unused fabrics, papers and all manner of things! I even made sure to have a bag for their clothes (I had lots of dolls).
I remember my first twitch for my love for sewing... I had made some terrifying designs as usual making sure my doll 'melody' wore it. But my mother's friend was quite disappointed and impressed altogether which moved her to get on her sewing machine to sew my doll a BEAUTIFUL DRESS!
I was so excited which kept me dazed thinking and pondering about how she sewed it so perfectly (to melody's size and fitting). Thinking I had better plans I tore the gown to make a top and skirt for 'melody'.
That isn't all. I always drew a lot of girls with fancy clothes, stylish shoes, and damn classic hair (mo
Ire like dangerous scribblings). And at that time the insane drawings were perfect to my friends, parents and tutors for a seven year old.
        I met a girl 'comfort' who loved to sew and always she would sew for my dolls, share with me all her drawings which made her become my friend.
Well, the whole exchange ended when she stopped talking to me because I didn't greet her once. It wasn't the end of the world. Of course I did miss her weekly supplies but I moved on. Seriously, till date I really still can't understand what the craze for dolls and their clothes was because I once stole doll clothes from a neighbor just for MY DOLLS... well I got caught (hehehe)
I don't know burnt somehow it didn't end my doll career and I kept getting more as I grew older.
Out of the blues my cousin 'Eunice'  thought me how to crochet a hand bag and it turned out to be a socks- gave me the idea to leave it for my doll (at this time I was nine).
I got pretty interested in crocheting and I did lots and lots of uncountable clothing's for my favourite dollie "CANDY"
I always went with a whole set from hat, hair bubbles, blouse, skirts, trousers, socks, handbags. My mom had been so impressed! And I of all was most impressed since this time the clothes were actually beautiful not poorly stitched pieces with threads hanging out.
Even at fourteen I stitched and crocheted clothes for my dolls. And at this age of my life my mom wasn't exactly so impressed anymore because I was... I mean I was was waaayyy too old for that.
      And what about the drawings... definitely it didn't stop. I had new drawing books every term in middle and high school to draw all my designs (at that time wasn't much of designs).
Somewhere inside of me I knew I wanted fashion design but somehow I felt it wasn't for me.
I mean, i never thought I'd ever learn how to sew because  i heard it was some really tough stuff that involved mathematics (I'm a sicker at figures)
But I guess anyways,  I'm stuck with it now for the rest of my life.
It had been one long holiday; one that I had no plans whatsoever.  And that was how it came, my dad just sat down, thought about it and came up with the idea that I go learn how to sew.
I was thrilled at first...then became intrigued and became wildly interested
So! I signed up and started work! I put all my effort, my zeal and passion. A month later, even to my disbelief and to the disbelief of others I had started doing really heavy projects
I'd never forget when I showed my dad one skirt I made and he carried it up, looked at it then at me with a priceless smile and said "you this girl... I knew you would make me so proud. "
It was the best moment of my life. My mom on the other hand had stopped what she was doing and hugged me.
Why am I writing all this? Becaouse I want to remind my self that it has been a sequence all along...

I would talk about this next weekend
To be continued

Thursday, 3 September 2015


This is Tanesha... her surname is always escaping my memory maybe because it is strange. she is a plus size fashion blogger I love so much, GIRLWITHCURVE.COM. That is her site, you can google it. I am following her and I do manage to save a lot of her pictures. And aspiring to become plus size woman in the nearby future-something that must happen due to childbearing- I would love to have dress sense like hers since I actually have a low one for now.
  I came across this photo and I fell in love. I loooove the dress and just looking at it reminded me of the fact that I miss sewing. being in school kind of restricts that a lot. if I was home I would immediately run to a thrift store, or a fabric store to get a similar material, return home, transfer my measurements, cut it out and finally bang the pedals of my machine until I have something pretty similar to this.
And I will add a collection to the HAUTETILICIOUS wardrobe. Advertise it on my lil body and make for anyone who is interested. I just love the dress!!!
plus if you do want tutorials on this just lemme know. I'll be glad to share.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Wow! Sewing excites the hell outta me.mehhhhn!! you know I was going through a serious phase in my life that I tought I would never be happy again. But na LIE! I'm so darn happy. On Saturday morning I was going through Jumia online shopping because I wanted to buy a sewing box being so tired of my sewing kits littering around my studio, having safety pins all around the floors, threads tangling in the plastic bags, my fabrics scattered everywhere and my useful pieces all about in sets of plastic bags. You know that kinda thing. At first I had considered buying a makeup box which is still a big option. I went on Google image search and saw pretty looking vintage boxes, bags and all those kinda stuffs. I finally came to the resolve of meeting a carpenter to get it done for me, that way I can customise my very own cute vintage sewing box.
After going through the pictures I went on Jumia to look for sewing bags which where quite expensive until I saw It! The portable home and electronic household sewing machine. I was Wowed! I never knew such existed and the Price was so charming I must say. It was so Cute! And I fell in love. I'm not still sure what that Lil girl can do cos it is really small but I'm left with no choice. Being in a strict school I can't keep my business going but I really need that machine.
I then came across a little sewing box quite cheap all the same and I must still buy the makeup box and also get my customised vintage sewing box. I'm really glad and I'm glad to spend my money on my dream profession. I love sewing to bits. I'm self taught 70% and thirty percent goes to the fashion/sewing house i enrolled in. But it is all hardwork and determination. Since i love it, i live it, dream it. And im not perfect or a proffessional atall, im a beginner who strives hard to gt there. I love what i do.

Phewww! I'm so happy I have created this blog to muse about all my sewing craziness. Yesterday I told my friend I'm no fashion designer but a tailor, she laughed and told me I do good sewing even when I am still an apprentice/ beginner. Well, I do dream of becoming huge. Dang! I love to Sew!  I am mostly self thought though I have a tutor. And if any one is interested I could give just a few tutorials for beginners all the same.
Well, I just want to show my own fashion sketch... I am still very much a learner and can't still render my sketches perfectly so I decide to leave them uncoloured. Who cares Right?
 Some months ago my friend told me to do a dress for her, we both got so excited and I seriously looked up to how the dress would look. I prayed to get the right sketching and Boy!  I did try to... but I couldn't sew the dress thanks to delays in measurement takings. This is the picture of the sketch,


I'm not a fashionista, or fashion freak. I love to look good at least, sometimes I love playing safe when it comes to fashion. What I know I love is to sew and sketch my designs and this is what HAUTETILIOUS is all about. I'm not a consistent or neither am I a perfect tailor or fashion illustrator. I'm still very much a learner, a visionary one at that. I will be sharing a lot about sewing, my sketches and designs. IM NOT A FASHIONSATA OR WOULD I SAY STYLIST. I'm a girl who is so crazy about Sewing!

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