

Monday, 8 February 2016

The straight skirt series

Happy new year!!! I know it is coming in the second month of the year. I swear this particular month is faster than the first.
A lot is happening around me, just too glad my life is almost summing up for the best in a few months.
I am so glad,a lot of people have been reading this little blog posts of mine in my absence. The views are amazing. It definitely pushed my lazy butts to write something to post. To all my readers, the returning ones and the visitors thank you so much, you have no idea how happy you make me feel. God bless you all and I love you all.
Well, the straight skirt series is definitely a straight skirt series
I can't remember what I was doing but it struck me to sew a peplum blouse and a straight skirt for myself. I had different ideas of how I wanted my peplum to look so I thought to myself why not draw it out. That I did and I painfully decided to render the drawings with the little skills I adopted from YouTube videos and looking at pictures.
It wasn't so difficult after all, though i didn't use high tech drawing and painting materials but my lead pencil, black pen, steadtler twistables, ...
I really love the outcome of it.
Now I need help selecting which one to sew for myself, someone suggested i do all the blouses. I really need one.
Im hoping someone would help me make a choice.
Well really, loving this Ankara feel.
If i am to pick which i would sew i would go with the first one by the left but the one with the highest vote is the first by the right. too confused??
So sorry the image quality isn't the best but it is quite visible.
Have a lovely day ahead!!!

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