

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

My designs in reality

Hey, you all. Hope your week isn't so stressful? May your strengths be renewed if at all it is.
My friends always encourage my designs even though they aren't the most innovative and the best out there. I truly love them for that. So today I'll be shouting out to one of them Nicole Nwadioke- thanks for always supporting me, the cheers, the advice, your comments and likes. You go a long way to boost my self esteem. You are so loved.
Well, back to the issue of the day.
My friends always support my designs, ask me to design for them and all that. The two today sew my designs and  made it come to life.
I designed this dress for my tall friend, she is an epitome of simplicity and I decided to keep everything simple just like her and she loooooved it. Though I didn't make the dress myself but I am pretty happy with the outcome of it. It enhanced her height even more.
This other design was made after I sewed the top and skirt. At the time I made the cloth I had just ended a month apprenticeship in a fashion house. So eager to make a dress I madre the top and skirt not necessarily together but it ended up going pretty good.
This friend of mine saw the design in my sketch and insisted she had to make it. I didn't sew it myself but who says another can't!
She looked so adorable and pretty barbieish.
I really love my friends, thanks for supporting me.


  1. Aaaawwww you made me seriously blush, you're designs are worth all the love
    Keep bringing forth awesome designs!!


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