

Monday, 24 August 2015


Wow! Sewing excites the hell outta me.mehhhhn!! you know I was going through a serious phase in my life that I tought I would never be happy again. But na LIE! I'm so darn happy. On Saturday morning I was going through Jumia online shopping because I wanted to buy a sewing box being so tired of my sewing kits littering around my studio, having safety pins all around the floors, threads tangling in the plastic bags, my fabrics scattered everywhere and my useful pieces all about in sets of plastic bags. You know that kinda thing. At first I had considered buying a makeup box which is still a big option. I went on Google image search and saw pretty looking vintage boxes, bags and all those kinda stuffs. I finally came to the resolve of meeting a carpenter to get it done for me, that way I can customise my very own cute vintage sewing box.
After going through the pictures I went on Jumia to look for sewing bags which where quite expensive until I saw It! The portable home and electronic household sewing machine. I was Wowed! I never knew such existed and the Price was so charming I must say. It was so Cute! And I fell in love. I'm not still sure what that Lil girl can do cos it is really small but I'm left with no choice. Being in a strict school I can't keep my business going but I really need that machine.
I then came across a little sewing box quite cheap all the same and I must still buy the makeup box and also get my customised vintage sewing box. I'm really glad and I'm glad to spend my money on my dream profession. I love sewing to bits. I'm self taught 70% and thirty percent goes to the fashion/sewing house i enrolled in. But it is all hardwork and determination. Since i love it, i live it, dream it. And im not perfect or a proffessional atall, im a beginner who strives hard to gt there. I love what i do.

Phewww! I'm so happy I have created this blog to muse about all my sewing craziness. Yesterday I told my friend I'm no fashion designer but a tailor, she laughed and told me I do good sewing even when I am still an apprentice/ beginner. Well, I do dream of becoming huge. Dang! I love to Sew!  I am mostly self thought though I have a tutor. And if any one is interested I could give just a few tutorials for beginners all the same.
Well, I just want to show my own fashion sketch... I am still very much a learner and can't still render my sketches perfectly so I decide to leave them uncoloured. Who cares Right?
 Some months ago my friend told me to do a dress for her, we both got so excited and I seriously looked up to how the dress would look. I prayed to get the right sketching and Boy!  I did try to... but I couldn't sew the dress thanks to delays in measurement takings. This is the picture of the sketch,

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