

Friday, 20 November 2015

Croquis Fridays

Yeah! It is Friday again. my best day of the week and I am too sure I am not the only one who loves the beginning of weekends. Especially for a week that must have been too stressful.
I have been busy everyday of this week, the hustle to pass exams and do well. It has been a short but busy week.
Christmas is at the corner, it is already here. The air is crispy and dry over here and it makes me excited for Christmas. You know; family time, full house, plenty stuffs to eat, the laughter, the joy, the miracle, the love. All of it I am already looking forward to it.
In the exam hall when I asked for the date, I just couldn't believe it was already 20th. Wow! it was just 1st a few weeks ago.
Well to the business of the day. A week has gone by without me sketching a design. it has been my goal to have at least three new designs a week which would help me improve my croquis skills.
But bigger goals like acing so many exams has taken over.
I do have some I did a while ago.


This blouse is what I want to make for Christmas

For this week I will be featuring GHAZAL KASIS. A beautiful illustrator on instagram. that is where you see a lot of them. Sometimes when I feel I have seen the best it turns out there is someone who is even better. That is the good thing about talents. No matter how good, there is never a best because each is unique in its own way.
There are too many gorgeous pictures of her illustrations and I would not get started with how much I wish I could render, I would even pay to learn.I love everything about her work, it is so beautiful. I pray to get as good too. Dang! it gets even harder to choose my best or have a role model when they could be so perfect.
Pray you have a lovely weekend filled with so much joy, parties.... And all that stuff that makes the weekend so awesome. For girls like me, it involves sleeping, watching movies and doing my hobbies.
All I am saying is try to get refreshed this weekend.
To all the tailors, couturiers, seamstresses in the world who probably have deadly deadlines for the weekend; asoebis, wedding gowns, and what have you. this is for you
It is a rule for not just your safety but the joy of your customers! Ciao.


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