

Saturday, 7 November 2015

The Magic in this cutie

The electric mini sewing machine is a wonder and a must have for professionals and amateurs. I do love it. I had ordered it on Jumia and was quite shocked by the cheap price. Unsure of how good it could be, I went on amazon to read the reviews. and just like in the way of reviews, a lot were quite negative, insinuating the bad service of the cutie. I got scared and only hoped my own experience with it would be different and I would be one of the few people with a positive story.
Not too long after I ordered it, I got it (thanks to Jumia's excellent delivery service).  I had felt too scared to start using it because I didn't want the needle to snap  or break, or any other mysterious thing to happen.
I waited, went on YouTube and watched several videos on how to operate it and that is when I did. it is too small and beautiful to be true. It sews so smoothly, though quite noisy but who cares. it is portable and can do its job.
This cute magic came  already threaded with four extra reelers, a needle. It works electrically and also  with batteries (that is just too good). It has a foot pedal which can be operated.
it is just awesome!
I had a filled time this morning, sewing away.
It is truly a cutie, it is portable and unbelievable light for travelling, perfect and simple for amateurs to learn and operate.
The only thing not so good about this cutie is the fact that it cant operate big projects, it could try but it isn't necessarily for big projects.
The Magic Cutie is still worth a try, I promise. It comes in various sizes and types, prices vary too and this type is the most expensive, I cant review the others, but this is good.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Croquis Fridays

Croquis is my favourite kind of art. I love them dang. Croquis is just a simple sketch or rough draft and since I am into fashion illustration it helps to get most of the poses, and attitudes right.
I am still a learner in the aspect of fashion illustration but I am far from where I was a year ago.
How did this come about? I often ask my self that question. I know I have been drawing since I was seven but they use to be all horrible, out of form... not too bad but a little less than average. I did always design shoes and clothes only for the fun of it.
But last year, I went on my stalking routine and found this gifted designer and illustrator. we use to be classmates back in secondary school and she was my roommate once... a cool kid.
one who had always wanted to be a fashion designer and you know, I remember her saying the name of her fashion line would be HUSH VICTOIRE.... something like that I bet she cant even remember but I fell in love with it.
Back to what I was saying, I stalked her on instagram and came across beautiful pictures of her illustration but one struck me too much and inspired me to go learn how to draw... like fashion illustrations.
it was hard at first but I did persist, one year later I am far from before not still perfect but good to go.
Ah, role models like Hayden Williams, Leenavisser, Ze _Malija, Styletemple, etc.
This pictures below are from my very own Ze_Malija AKA Imaobong Ukpabio. Baby girl, you inspired me and I will always owe it to you any where in the world. you go girl.

By one and only Malija
I just love this illustration
Now that is her magic and I do love her works!
For me rendering my illustrations is still an extensive area, I am still training and I pray I get it soon. I cant wait to start having colourful illustrations too.
Below is my own work, they are my latest this past two months. and like I said earlier I still cant render my sketches to make them perfect but it is small things first... we would get there. 


This is my very own illustration

This pose was inspired by an iger @leenavisser. I guess that should be it.

Hope they are lovely! See you next Friday

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